Debašu KICK-OFF seminārs 17.septembrī Rīgā!

17.septembrī vidusskolas un universitātes jauniešiem Latvijas Debašu asociācija piedāvā apmācības un praktiskās nodarbības "KICK-OFF seminar" dažādiem sagatavotības līmeņiem. 

KICK-OFF seminar

Before starting the Baltic Debating League, Latvian Debate Association “Quo Tu Domā?” invites all debaters or those who want to become ones to the Kick-off one day seminar.

On September 17th, in the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga members of “QUO tu domā?” will show you what British Parliamentary debates are all about and teach you how to argue, oppose and make strong cases about wide range of topics. It is your opportunity to significantly improve your public speaking skills, your ability to argue in a sound and persuasive manner, and train your critical thinking skills.

The event will gather successful debaters and adjudicators from the Baltics. The event will end with several debate rounds, putting the new knowledge in practice.

"QUO tu domā?" is a non-governmental organization that promotes debating education and practice in Latvia. It aims to improve the quality of public discourse in Latvia and increase the number of young people who have undergone basic debating, critical thinking and advocacy training.

The Kick-off event will be held in English. Both high school and university students are welcome.


  • 9:00-10:00 Registration
  • 10:00-10:20 Opening ceremony
  • 10:30-12:00 Workshop I (7 parallel rooms)
  • 12:15-13:45 Workshop II (7 parallel rooms)
  • 13:45-14:45 Lunch Break 
  • 14:45-16:00 Workshop III (7 parallel rooms)
  • 16:15-17:30 Workshop IV (7 parallel rooms)
  • 17:45-18:45 Practice Round I (8 parallel rooms)
  • 19:00 – 20:00 Practice Round II (8 parallel rooms)
  • 20:00-20:15 Closing ceremony

Participation fee is EUR 5.

Please register here:

Deadline: September 12th, 2016


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22.oktobrī vidusskolas jauniešiem ir iespēja piedalīties Eiropas līmeņa debašu turnīrā. Vairāk informācijas šeit: