Aicinām pieteikties jauniešus, jaunatnes darbiniekus un citus interesentus(+18) jauniešu apmaiņai "ORGANIC TV", kas notiks 25.06.-2.-07.2015, Bilecik, PAYAZAERI, Turcijā.
Piesakies līdz 6.06.2015 aizpildot online pieteikuma formu .
100% apmaksāta ir dzīvošana un ēdināšana, ceļa izdevumus līdz 170 EUR apmēram atmaksā organizatori (projekta laikā vai pēc tā). Sīkāku informāciju jautā http://[email protected].
SUMMARY: Our main goal we wanted to achieve with this project- the younger generation organic agriculture, sustainable environment and healthy nutrition issues to be reminded. Because a significant portion of the world population is inadequate and unbalanced diet, unhealthy vegetable and fruit consumption resulting in combating diseases. A silent danger both to draw attention to the situation that will do organic farming, which will make both organic TV will prepare youth information.